Exploring the Liberation Theology of Gustavo Gutiérrez

This project is a creative variation on an assignment for TH3444: Liberation Theology of Gustavo Gutiérrez, a course at Princeton Theological Seminary. The reflections here dialogue with the content and themes of the course each week. Topics emerge from the breadth of liberation theology and the depth of Latin American historical, cultural, economic, and ecclesial contexts.

Gustavo Gutiérrez has transformed the theological landscape of his native Peru and Latin America by re-framing Christian theology as a liberating narrative for the world’s poor and most vulnerable. Further, he has changed the landscape of world theology. Oppressed peoples around the globe turn to Gutiérrez’s work as the foundation for their own liberating narratives of Christian theology.

The reflections here are first and foremost a self-interested exercise. The material I produce will be a lasting resource for my work in this class and in my future endeavors at the intersection of church and world. These reflections are also, however, an opportunity for witness. I invite you to witness with me: to read, to consider, to comment as you are moved, and to read further.

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